Evolution #33
Mise en place looking glass BGP et weathermap
Bertrand a mis en place une weathermap, a tester
Mis à jour par Laurent GUERBY il y a plus de 13 ans
From: Jérôme Fleury <jfleury@franceix.net>
To: bird-users@trubka.network.cz
Subject: Re: Looking-Glass
Date: 09/29/2011 01:47:12 PM
I would definitely support a JSON output for Bird. Embedding an http
server shouldn't be very difficult, and would allow anyone to build
its own looking glass using simple javascript.
It's actually what I did for FranceIX: a Bird to JSON wrapper sits on
the route-server, and then I just proxy request from an Apache server
to pretty print everything. The most complicated part was to write the
JSON wrapper, not the front-end. Unix socket with telnet like
interface is nice, but a bit outdated when you like at todays
available technologies.
My 2 cents ;)
On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 12:20, Matthew Walster <matthew@walster.org> wrote:
On 23 June 2011 11:20, Mihai Claudiu Capatina
<mihai@vector-communications.net> wrote:Does anybody know about an open-source looking-glass for BIRD ?
I'm hoping by "open-source" you mean "open-source" as opposed to
free... </bugbear>The only one I'm aware of is:
Matthew Walster
Mis à jour par Mehdi Abaakouk il y a environ 13 ans
Looking Glass for bird écrit en python (python-flask)
site: http://lg.tetaneutral.net/
source: https://github.com/sileht/bird-lg
Laurent GUERBY | sileht, un truc peut-etre a ajouter pour voir les desagregations
Laurent GUERBY | sileht, show route where net ~ [{8,24} ]
Laurent GUERBY | sileht, ca te montre la desagregation des annonces SFR qu'on recoit via JAGUAR
Mis à jour par Matthieu Herrb il y a plus de 6 ans
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