


Apt Backports TTNN » Historique » Version 2

Version 1 (Mehdi Abaakouk, 13/12/2015 18:46) → Version 2/8 (Mehdi Abaakouk, 13/12/2015 18:49)

h1. Apt Backports TTNN

h2. Backport example de attic:

# dget
# dpkg-source -x attic_0.16-2.dsc
# cd attic_0.16
# dch -i
Ajouter ttnn1 à la version..
# debuild

# cd -
# aptly repo add ttnn-jessie *.dsc
Loading packages...
[+] attic_0.16-2_source added
# aptly repo add ttnn-jessie *.deb
Loading packages...
[+] attic_0.16-2_amd64 added

# aptly publish -distribution ttnn-jessie -skip-signing=true repo ttnn-jessie
Loading packages...
Generating metadata files and linking package files...
Finalizing metadata files...

Local repo ttnn-jessie has been successfully published.
Please setup your webserver to serve directory '/var/www/aptly/public' with autoindexing.
Now you can add following line to apt sources:
deb http://your-server/ ttnn-jessie main
deb-src http://your-server/ ttnn-jessie main
Don't forget to add your GPG key to apt with apt-key.

You can also use `aptly serve` to publish your repositories over HTTP quickly.

# aptly publish update ttnn-jessie
Loading packages...
Generating metadata files and linking package files...
Finalizing metadata files...
Cleaning up prefix "." components main...

Publish for local repo ./ttnn-jessie [amd64, source] publishes {main: [ttnn-jessie]} has been successfully updated.

h2. Creation initial du depot

Sur la machine puppet:

# cat .aptly.conf
"rootDir": "/var/www/aptly",
"downloadConcurrency": 4,
"downloadSpeedLimit": 0,
"architectures": [],
"dependencyFollowSuggests": false,
"dependencyFollowRecommends": false,
"dependencyFollowAllVariants": false,
"dependencyFollowSource": false,
"gpgDisableSign": true,
"gpgDisableVerify": false,
"downloadSourcePackages": false,
"ppaDistributorID": "ubuntu",
"ppaCodename": "",
"S3PublishEndpoints": {}

# aptly repo create ttnn-trusty
# aptly repo create ttnn-jessie

/var/www/aptly est le documentroot de apache