




Et transports ?

  1. Laurent GUERBY (twingo 4 places)
  2. pls (préciser horaires+jours de départ/arrivée => need carpooling from TLS)
  3. bikepunk (vélo ?)
  4. Pg
  5. Autre ?


Backbone 409

Autonomous infrastructures for a free Internet

We call for an international meeting on autonomous infrastructures for a
free Internet 14-15 June 2014 in Calafou, near Barcelona.

We want to work with people who are actively building those autonomous
infrastructures from an anti-capitalist point of view: autonomous
servers, open networks, online services, platforms, open hardware, free
software, etc.

The recent revelations about mass surveillance by states and
corporations made the idea of a free Internet more topical than ever
before, and at the same time generated popular interest in the topic.
There are people who are looking at us to provide solutions and many
others who just got interested about the topic and look for ways to get

Our idea is to organize a two-day event mixing round table discussions
with practical workshops on security, outreach, knowledge sharing,
usability, sustainability, synergies between projects, legal issues, etc.

To challenge the language barrier which often exclude Spanish speaking
people from Southern Europe and Latin America from the Anglo-Saxon
discourse, and the other way around, we commit ourselves to provide
simultaneous interpretation.

If this sounds inspiring to you, please contact us. Please share with us
any idea that you would like to bring to such a meeting, or concrete
workshops, talks, and panels that you would like to see in the schedule.

In solidarity,