


Backup » Historique » Version 19

Nicolas BERTRAND, 11/01/2017 16:29

1 3 Laurent GUERBY
2 1 Laurent GUERBY
3 1 Laurent GUERBY
h1. Backup
4 1 Laurent GUERBY
5 1 Laurent GUERBY
h2. Liens
6 1 Laurent GUERBY
7 1 Laurent GUERBY
* [[Backup_infra]]
8 1 Laurent GUERBY
* [[Apt_Backports_TTNN]] borg debian packaging
9 6 Laurent GUERBY
10 1 Laurent GUERBY
11 1 Laurent GUERBY
h2. BackupPC
12 1 Laurent GUERBY
13 1 Laurent GUERBY
14 1 Laurent GUERBY
15 1 Laurent GUERBY
h2. Attic
16 1 Laurent GUERBY
17 1 Laurent GUERBY
18 1 Laurent GUERBY
19 1 Laurent GUERBY
** Logiciel de backup : choix de attic
20 1 Laurent GUERBY
21 1 Laurent GUERBY
h2. Borg
22 1 Laurent GUERBY
23 1 Laurent GUERBY
24 1 Laurent GUERBY
25 2 Laurent GUERBY
26 2 Laurent GUERBY
27 1 Laurent GUERBY
28 11 Laurent GUERBY
h2. Borg script
29 11 Laurent GUERBY
30 18 Laurent GUERBY
*Note 20160428* : le script est probablement inutile cf
31 17 Laurent GUERBY
32 11 Laurent GUERBY
Pour une machine qui va etre eteinte et rallumée de maniere non controlable.
33 11 Laurent GUERBY
34 12 Laurent GUERBY
Creation initiale avec un user normal capable de ssh sur MACHINE:PORT :
35 12 Laurent GUERBY
36 12 Laurent GUERBY
37 12 Laurent GUERBY
borg init --encryption keyfile ssh://USER@MACHINE:PORT/some/where/borg/NICK-repo
38 12 Laurent GUERBY
39 12 Laurent GUERBY
40 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
On A 2 types d'encryption keyfile et repokey
41 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
* en keyfile: la clef est stockée 'localement' est doit aussi être backupé. mode "passphrase + key"
42 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
* repokey : la clef est stocké dans le repo only: mode "passphrase only"
43 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
44 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < guerby> [09:39:25] zorun, tu as une ref dans la doc ? ce que j'ai trouvé
45 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < guerby> [09:39:38] "so you still have the key in case it gets corrupted or lost. Also keep your passphrase at a safe place."
46 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < zorun> [09:50:10] guerby: cherche « repokey » dans
47 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < zorun> [09:50:19] # Local repository (default is to use encryption in repokey mode)
48 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < zorun> [09:50:27] If you want “passphrase-only” security, use the repokey mode. The key will be stored inside the repository (in its “config” file). In above mentioned attack scenario, the attacker will have the key (but not the passphrase).
49 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < zorun> [09:50:43] If you want “passphrase and having-the-key” security, use the keyfile mode. The key will be stored in your home directory (in .config/borg/keys). In the attack scenario, the attacker who has just access to your repo won’t have the key (and also not the passphrase).
50 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
11.1026 < taziden> [09:51:21] et la méthode par défaut, c'est repokey
51 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
52 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
53 19 Nicolas BERTRAND
54 12 Laurent GUERBY
Et setup cron + script :
55 11 Laurent GUERBY
56 11 Laurent GUERBY
# crontab -l
57 11 Laurent GUERBY
@reboot /root/
58 11 Laurent GUERBY
59 11 Laurent GUERBY
60 11 Laurent GUERBY
61 11 Laurent GUERBY
# cat /root/
62 11 Laurent GUERBY
63 11 Laurent GUERBY
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
64 11 Laurent GUERBY
mkdir -p /root/borg >& /dev/null
65 11 Laurent GUERBY
66 11 Laurent GUERBY
sleep 300
67 11 Laurent GUERBY
echo === start === $(date) >> /root/borg/cron.log
68 11 Laurent GUERBY
69 11 Laurent GUERBY
70 11 Laurent GUERBY
71 11 Laurent GUERBY
export BORG_PASSPHRASE=lalalala
72 11 Laurent GUERBY
73 11 Laurent GUERBY
if [ -f /root/borg/stamp ]; then
74 11 Laurent GUERBY
    STAMP=$(cat /root/borg/stamp)
75 11 Laurent GUERBY
    borg break-lock $REPO
76 11 Laurent GUERBY
77 11 Laurent GUERBY
    STAMP=$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
78 11 Laurent GUERBY
    if [ -f /root/borg/previous-stamp ]; then
79 1 Laurent GUERBY
	  PREVIOUS_STAMP=$(cat /root/borg/previous-stamp)
80 14 Laurent GUERBY
	  while [ "${STAMP%T*}" = "${PREVIOUS_STAMP%T*}" ]; do
81 14 Laurent GUERBY
              STAMP=$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
82 13 Laurent GUERBY
              echo === delay === $(date) >> /root/borg/cron.log
83 14 Laurent GUERBY
	      sleep 1h
84 14 Laurent GUERBY
85 11 Laurent GUERBY
86 11 Laurent GUERBY
    echo $STAMP > /root/borg/stamp
87 11 Laurent GUERBY
88 11 Laurent GUERBY
89 11 Laurent GUERBY
90 16 Laurent GUERBY
borg create --compression lz4 --stats --verbose \
91 16 Laurent GUERBY
   --exclude /root/borg --exclude '/home/*/.cache' --exclude-caches --one-file-system \
92 16 Laurent GUERBY
   ${REPO}::${NICK}-$STAMP / >> /root/borg/log-$STAMP 2>> /root/borg/err-$STAMP
93 1 Laurent GUERBY
94 16 Laurent GUERBY
95 16 Laurent GUERBY
96 16 Laurent GUERBY
if [ $res -eq 0 -o $res eq 1 ]; then
97 11 Laurent GUERBY
    mv -f /root/borg/stamp /root/borg/previous-stamp >& /dev/null
98 11 Laurent GUERBY
    rm -f /root/borg/stamp >& /dev/null
99 1 Laurent GUERBY
100 1 Laurent GUERBY
101 1 Laurent GUERBY
102 16 Laurent GUERBY
echo === done === $res === $(date) >> /root/borg/cron.log
103 14 Laurent GUERBY
104 14 Laurent GUERBY
exec "$0"
105 11 Laurent GUERBY
106 1 Laurent GUERBY
107 1 Laurent GUERBY
h2. Migration Attic vers Borg
108 7 Laurent GUERBY
109 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
110 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
* old:
111 1 Laurent GUERBY
* new:
112 1 Laurent GUERBY
** git history BackupPC => Attic => Borg
113 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
114 5 Laurent GUERBY
115 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
# apt-get -t jessie-backports install borgbackup
116 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
$ cd /backup/attic/
117 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
$ borg upgrade <repo>
118 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
$ borg check --repair <repo>
119 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
$ mv <repo> ../borg/
120 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
$ chown -R backupinfra: /backup/borg/<repo>
121 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
122 8 Laurent GUERBY
123 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
Dans le module puppet, le changement le plus important est le parametre compression explicite pour correspondre au défaut de attic create :
124 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
125 8 Laurent GUERBY
126 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
attic create ... <repo> -> borg create --compression zlib,6 ... <repo>
127 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
128 4 Mehdi Abaakouk
129 9 Laurent GUERBY
Sinon le prochain backup sera non compressé, et aucun nouveau chucks ne correspondra aux anciens -> perte de la dedup. "zlib,6" étant le niveau de compression de attic.
130 9 Laurent GUERBY
131 10 Laurent GUERBY
132 9 Laurent GUERBY
133 9 Laurent GUERBY
134 9 Laurent GUERBY
135 1 Laurent GUERBY