


| Branche: | Révision:

root / class @ 137a4cfc

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
FormValidator.class.php 2,58 ko 137a4cfc plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande does the same upload job, bet refactored the fo...
RefPoint.class.php 904 octets c5f89cd9 plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande webservice to reference ref_points is ready
TilesGenerator.php 1,99 ko 2b7be83a plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGe...
index.php 1,28 ko 0bd646e4 plus de 11 ans Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
site_point.class.php 7,16 ko 3d8d154e plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande fix array format that seems not to work with so...
sites_dir.class.php 497 octets 0bd646e4 plus de 11 ans Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
utils.class.php 1,69 ko ea08a2a7 plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed th...

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
137a4cfc 23/12/2013 21:57 Jocelyn Delande

does the same upload job, bet refactored the form and receive action for future

3d8d154e 23/12/2013 18:10 Jocelyn Delande

fix array format that seems not to work with some PHP versions

3a832cbc 23/12/2013 17:41 Jocelyn Delande

Added sanity checks

ea08a2a7 23/12/2013 16:48 Jocelyn Delande

adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed the typing from/to ini files

c5f89cd9 20/12/2013 14:16 Jocelyn Delande

webservice to reference ref_points is ready

e68abb6a 18/12/2013 14:17 Jocelyn Delande

first steps of add_reference.php webservice : input validation/sanitization and RefPoint class

e3ac9269 10/12/2013 01:07 Jocelyn Delande

modified site_point to allow empty panoramas (when just instanciated)

2b7be83a 09/12/2013 23:34 Jocelyn Delande

moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGenerator

eb537a36 09/12/2013 11:55 Jocelyn Delande

small fixes arround site_point::get_all() usage

c4802754 08/12/2013 19:14 Jocelyn Delande

moved all_points webservice to use methods from site_point

Voir les révisions

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