


| Branche: | Révision:

root / class @ 3a832cbc

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
FormValidator.class.php 2,48 ko e68abb6a plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande first steps of add_reference.php webservice : i...
RefPoint.class.php 904 octets c5f89cd9 environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande webservice to reference ref_points is ready
TilesGenerator.php 1,99 ko 2b7be83a plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGe...
index.php 1,28 ko 0bd646e4 plus de 11 ans Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
site_point.class.php 7,16 ko 3a832cbc environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande Added sanity checks
sites_dir.class.php 497 octets 0bd646e4 plus de 11 ans Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s...
utils.class.php 1,69 ko ea08a2a7 environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed th...

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
3a832cbc 23/12/2013 17:41 Jocelyn Delande

Added sanity checks

ea08a2a7 23/12/2013 16:48 Jocelyn Delande

adds a rm_reference.php webservice and fixed the typing from/to ini files

c5f89cd9 20/12/2013 14:16 Jocelyn Delande

webservice to reference ref_points is ready

e68abb6a 18/12/2013 14:17 Jocelyn Delande

first steps of add_reference.php webservice : input validation/sanitization and RefPoint class

e3ac9269 10/12/2013 01:07 Jocelyn Delande

modified site_point to allow empty panoramas (when just instanciated)

2b7be83a 09/12/2013 23:34 Jocelyn Delande

moved panorama generation to class : PanoramaGenerator

eb537a36 09/12/2013 11:55 Jocelyn Delande

small fixes arround site_point::get_all() usage

c4802754 08/12/2013 19:14 Jocelyn Delande

moved all_points webservice to use methods from site_point

812f173f 08/12/2013 19:14 Jocelyn Delande

make use of constants

1aebc2ec 07/12/2013 13:05 Jocelyn Delande

has_params and get_all for site_point

Voir les révisions

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