


| Branche: | Révision:

root @ 6bf61e20

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
  ajax 5bfbdfb4 environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande changed code so that we can concatenate one or ...
  class 5bfbdfb4 environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande changed code so that we can concatenate one or ...
  css e1acd4a1 plus de 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande Can add a panorama from the map.
  html 3d3b31ae plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande Moved some treatements to functions for better ...
  images a3184cec environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande PREFIXXX
  js 3b5b7963 environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande fixed a bug introduced in 7096d2f and preventin...
  ref_points 6bf61e20 environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande added reference points for cholet city
  to_tiles 7096d2f9 environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit ...
.gitignore 38 octets fe3e0cdf plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...
.htaccess 115 octets 0bd646e4 plus de 11 ans Victor PONGNIAN remise en forme du travail de Victor Pongnian s... 3,41 ko bc864f42 plus de 10 ans Jocelyn Delande added installation notes
addParams.php 3,73 ko 3d3b31ae plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande Moved some treatements to functions for better ... 358 octets ffebe856 plus de 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande do not display ref_points and panorama further ...
envoyer.php 2,95 ko 09995259 environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande bugfix, lat and lon were inverted in upload form
genererPano.php 2,05 ko 6156a9b6 environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande some request input checking/sanitization
index.php 2,01 ko ffebe856 plus de 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande do not display ref_points and panorama further ...
panoInfo.php 2,53 ko 6156a9b6 environ 11 ans Jocelyn Delande some request input checking/sanitization
panorama.php 7,46 ko 94abb8ac environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande panorama.php again, a lat/lon inverted
show_capline.php 3,66 ko 043955eb plus de 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande simple forgotten import
uploadReceive.php 3,86 ko 8562532a environ 10 ans Jocelyn Dealande bugfix when lat or lon is zero (thanks cthuluh !)

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
6bf61e20 08/02/2015 22:43 Jocelyn Dealande

added reference points for cholet city

5bfbdfb4 08/02/2015 22:35 Jocelyn Dealande

changed code so that we can concatenate one or more ref_points files to ref_points.local.php

3b5b7963 06/02/2015 19:15 Jocelyn Dealande

fixed a bug introduced in 7096d2f and preventing propper circles displaying

94abb8ac 06/02/2015 19:12 Jocelyn Dealande


again, a lat/lon inverted

8562532a 27/01/2015 00:11 Jocelyn Dealande

bugfix when lat or lon is zero (thanks cthuluh !)

83478686 27/01/2015 00:09 Jocelyn Dealande

bugfix typo preventing good ref_points displaying

d0ee1e7f 26/01/2015 23:48 Jocelyn Dealande

bugfixed inverted lon/lat parameters on RefPoint (+ added convenience ref_point->get_name())

def96176 23/12/2014 14:08 Jocelyn Dealande

unconfigured panoramas are viewable again

7096d2f9 22/12/2014 23:43 Jocelyn Dealande

Refacto of Tiles handling and simplified a bit file naming for tiles/params.
By the way, fixes #297


To migrate data :

cd tiles
find . '*.jpg' -exec rename 's/[^\/]*_(([0-9]{3}_){2}([0-9]{3}))/$1/' {} \;...

ffebe856 08/12/2014 23:28 Jocelyn Dealande

do not display ref_points and panorama further than 25km from the current one (tunable in constant)

Voir toutes les révisions | Voir les révisions



Visualize a collection of panoramic photos.

Panorama-ttnn allows you to upload/share/visualize panoramic photos. It has been created for evaluating lines-of-sight for radio networks, like the one of


  • Upload panoramas to web server (i.e: made with Hugin);
  • visualize, pan and zoom panoramas, as if you were on site;
  • georeference panoramas : set GPS coordinates and elevation by hand and set orientation by pointing at known points;
  • visualize a point by lat/lon/elevation on your panorama ;
  • see other panoramas locations to evaluate the lines-of-sight;
  • view on map for a given LOS between two points/panoramas.

Getting started : upload a panorama

  1. Go to the index and click "Ajouter un panorama", let upload process
  2. Just click on the image in the subsequent list, and wait for it to be processed (split into tiles) ;
  3. Choose "accéder directement au panorama" to view it and use the red up-right box to enter coordinates and altitudes from where the photos have beenn taken. bouclage means that left and right borders are matching exactly (360° panorama).
  4. Reference some known points by right clicking (see relevant section), the others will get interpolated and presented to you on the view.

Viewing reference points

You'll see big colored bubbles :

  • Blue points : reference points you referenced and pointed by hand
  • Red points : other panorama (click and fly to it !)
  • Green points : reference points automatically placed (estimated according to the blue ones)

Adding reference points

Reference points are known points you are likely to see from your panoramas, they are a visual reference and a way to orientate your panoramas.

By default, there are no ref_points, you can create your own ref_points list or use one of the provided lists.

To get started, copy one of the files from ref_points folder in the root folder, remane it to ref_points.local.php and customize it.

Hint: prefer to register the altitudes of the topmost point of a building: they are the easier parts to aim from other panoramas.

Panorama view

This is the main view, you can pan and scroll a panorama.

From this view you can use the Reference points menu. The reference points menu allows you to set the orientation of your panorama by pointing at a known location you visualize on the panorama.

Mouse interaction for panorama view

  • drag image to move
  • right-click to pop the Reference points menu

Keyboard shortcuts for panorama view

  • Pgup/Pgdown: zoom in/out
  • ///: pan the image
  • Home/End: turn backwards (180°)

"Show cap" view

In this view, you see a map with your current view point and a ray between it and your target ref_point.

Options and layers selection can be set in the + menu. To move from/to the, click on the top-right button.


You need PHP

  • in your php.ini set uploadmaxfilesize and postmaxsize to "100M" or near.
  • in your httpd configuration, set the max post size accordingly

You need imagemagick. On debian : apt-get install imagemagick

Known limitations

Cannot delete anything from the interface

Uploaded images nor panoramas.

Formats disponibles : Atom