


| Branche: | Révision:

root / ref_points @ efce4ca2

Nom Taille Révision Âge Auteur Commentaire
ref_points-compiegne-rhizome.php 691 octets efce4ca2 plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande added altitudes of buildings (estimated to ref_...
ref_points-toulouse-ttnn.php 1,64 ko fe3e0cdf plus de 11 ans Jocelyn Delande - Moved ref_points.php to something less toulou...

Dernières révisions

# Date Auteur Commentaire
efce4ca2 24/11/2013 16:35 Jocelyn Delande

added altitudes of buildings (estimated to ref_points)

b42eb160 17/11/2013 22:48 Jocelyn Delande

added reference points for Rhizome/Compiègne

fe3e0cdf 17/11/2013 19:31 Jocelyn Delande

- Moved ref_points.php to something less toulouse-specific ;-)
by default : no ref points, but the ability to define its own list
or to use one of the files from ref_points folder.
- Fixed the UI if the ref_points list is empty.

Voir les révisions

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